Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Business EXPO of West LA Chamber of Commerce (WLA CC), Brentwood, 04-05-2009

WishTheBest.com booth at 2009 Spring Business EXPO of WLA CC
What a breezy and wonderful Spring Sunday we had during the EXPO on a memorable April 5, 2009. From the early morning till the end of the event EXPO spirit was uplifted, creative and engaging: all participants warmly greeted each other, were supportive and attentive. Intensive chats, insightful sharings, instant referrals made business flow a breeze and everyone's mood еxcellent.
At WishTheBest.com EXPO table our Prize Wheel was spinning non-stop... we had so many inquiries about our photo cards and business model, that we were pleased to experience such focused and positive attention during down economic times. With a stock markets diving down at full speed, more personal businesses are coming forward and the EXPO witnessed a splendid new trend. Future looks bright.
To everyone who came to our table, we offered a Gift Account with few complimentary cards at WishTheBest.com. If you'd like to experience the comfort of placing your own photos into greeting card (<$1), choosing creative greeting cards from rich online catalog (14,000+), we decided to extend our EXPO privilege and offer Gift Account to everyone who reads this post. You are welcome to visit our WishTheBest.com, create a gift account by pressing red button Send a Free Card. You will love it as many professionals did at the EXPO.
West LA Business and Consumer EXPO was organized by our own Chamber of Commerce under excellent leadership of its dedicated Organizing Committe. The provided slide show from the EXPO reflects the uplifted spirit of the event. Conclusion: EXPO 2009 was a sophisticated, spirited and memorable one.
Wish the best,